Creating software people love!

Demo the Wide World Importers Apps built with Accelerator in 15 Minutes

Wide World Importers
Responsive Web App

Be sure to give it a go on your desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Create an Account and try it out.

Wide World Importers
Native Windows App

You will need to create an account through the Web version first.

Download, Install, and try it out

What is Wide World Importers?

Wide World Importers is a fictitious company created by Microsoft to provide a new sample database that illustrates the core capabilities of SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database for transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing and analytics (OLAP) workloads, as well as hybrid transaction and analytics processing (HTAP) workloads.

We chose to generate a demonstration system using this new database from Microsoft as it provides a great example of how well Accelerator generation works with modern database designs.

Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a desktopScreen shot of Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a desktop.
Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a mobileScreen shot of Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a mobile device.
Wide World Importers Windows App DemoScreen shot of Wide World Importers Windows App Demo.
Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a desktop in JapaneseScreen shot of Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a desktop in Japanese.
Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a mobile in JapaneseScreen shot of Wide World Importers Web App Demo on a mobile device in Japanese.
Wide World Importers Windows App Demo in JapaneseScreen shot of Wide World Importers Windows App Demo in Japanese.

What's Included in the Demo App

It may be very easy to miss how much is included in the demo app, so here are some things to try out and think about.

  • This was built in 15 minutes! Yes, Really. ALL of it. In 15 minutes.
  • N-tiered, service-oriented, loosely couple, modular architecture. Read more about our robust architecture.
  • Both Windows and Responsive Web Applications. Be sure to install and try both Apps and even see how they work together.
  • Mobile Ready. Try out the responsive Web app on mobile too. It works great!
  • Be sure to go through the app thoroughly and see all the productive UX features provided by Accelerator without any coding necessary
  • Try them out in different languages

Got Questions? Want to know more?

Give us a call at (239) 405-8427 or email to You can also keep up with the latest news and events by following us on Facebook and Twitter.